Sunday, June 12, 2011

Read, Wallow, or Make Your Own Way

There’s a timeless saying, “Lead, follow, or get out of the way.” I’ve got a new spin on this classic – “Read, wallow, or make your own way.”

Read: The fact that you are reading this blog means that you are open to new ideas and realize that you don’t have all the answers. Good for you! Make this just one of the many avenues for new information that you seek out. There are countless sales books, websites and blogs that are focused specifically on our craft. (I know of a really good book. To learn more click HERE). I’d also recommend picking up anything by Jeffrey Gitomer or Napolean Hill. Gitomer even has a weekly email that you can subscribe-to and it’s free! He has written many sales classics, including The Sales Bible. Once you start digging around, you’ll find that the resources are almost endless. Keep it up. Always be reading something new to keep you sharp.

Blog continued below . . .

If you like my blog, you’ll love my book, Click Send and Sell! Three Unconventional Emails with Extraordinary Sales Results.

If you have ever had a prospect “go dark” this book is for you. It has proven email techniques to “wake up” your prospect. While unconventional, these emails are authentic and professional, and almost always work. And , for only $3.99 you can put them to work for you today.

Also included are email techniques for following up on leads (these emails typically get a 20% response rate!) and for planning your next prospect meeting. Proven through years of use and honed for you, these emails will help you stand apart from the crowd.

The book is available at just about every electronic outlet, including Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Sony, and Kobo. It’s also available for your iPad at the iTunes store.

No eReader? No problem! Click HERE to download and print the book in any format you want.

What are you waiting for? Those deals won’t wake up on their own!

Wallow: Selling is hard. I once heard the equation that sales is 90% disappointment and 10% ecstasy. Why do sellers make it harder by wallowing in a negative and complaining state? Things happen. Territories get mis-aligned. Bosses get demanding. Products malfunction. Communications can be poor. Internal organizations can get in our way. That demanding customer can be unreasonable. The CRM adds zero value. I could go on and on. You know the drill. But why make things worse by focusing on these issues instead of the job at hand? At the end of the day you are judged on your numbers. There will always be hurdles to getting there. How you manage those hurdles is entirely up to you. Imagine a hurdler stopping during a race and bitching to his coach about how many hurdles there are and how tall they are. Unimaginable! That’s exactly what you look like when you constantly complain and wallow in the negatives. Back up, gain some speed, and jump over it. It will soon be behind you!

Make your own way: We’ve established that you read. Great! What’s next? Execute! Only a small fraction of sellers read. Of that population, another small percentage actually executes on what they learn. You already have an edge because you read – now capitalize on that by actually doing what the book/blog/email suggests. There are those that think and those that do. Sales is all about doing. We bloggers and authors have ideas that can help you, but it’s up to you to actually do something with the information. Make yourself one of the few and watch your productivity soar!

You see, how you spend your time and energy really is entirely up to you. You can be pro-active and read; you can wallow in the negatives; or you can make your own way and separate yourself from the pack. Who would you rather be?

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