Monday, December 12, 2011

A Good Start to a Productive Day

Years ago I was working for a very successful entrepreneur. I was his general manager, running the day-to-day business. A new role for me, but something he had been doing for several years. One day, feeling overwhelmed, I asked him how he managed to get everything done. He said that he started every day with his to-do list. Then, and most importantly, he knocked out the things that he disliked the most. Once those were out of the way he felt more productive and in a much better mood.

All of our jobs require us to do things that we don’t like to do. I don’t care if you’re the top executive, a sales manager, sales rep, receptionist, or business owner. We all have them. And nothing makes the day grind along slower than procrastinating on those things that we just don’t want to deal with.

Blog continued below

Would you spend $3.99 to get a deal un-stuck? Seems like a silly question – who wouldn’t. Well, I have developed a killer email that gets deals unstuck and it works so well that I wrote a book about it. And, I have also included two other emails to help you as well. It’s a short book – 22 pages printed – and it will take you about ten minutes to read. The ideas in the book are simple – almost silly. But you’ll be pleasantly surprised if not shocked with the results.

The book is available at just about every electronic outlet, including Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Sony, and Kobo. It’s also available for your iPad at the iTunes store.

No eReader? No problem! Click HERE to download and print the book in any format you want.

If you are a seller, you probably hate reports and paperwork more than anything else. And, your internal brand may be suffering as a result. Instead of putting it off, take care of that paperwork FIRST THING. You’ll feel better for it, your boss and colleagues will appreciate it, and it will remove that dark cloud of procrastination from over your head.

So here is your to-do from this article: make a list of things that you need to do tomorrow. Now put a big start next to the things you really don’t want to do. Then tomorrow morning get to work a few minutes early and knock those things out. You’ll feel that cloud lift and energized to sell.

Try some sound advice from my old boss - a person who sold his company for $30m in cash.

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