Thursday, December 30, 2010

When is it Okay to Talk About ME??

Sales people have the great gift of gab and just love to talk. I've never met a seller that couldn't tell a great story, followed by an interesting anecdote and finally a good joke. In a sales situation we're just itching to tell our story. We can't wait to overcome that objection, talk all about the features and benefits of our products and services, ask all the right questions, and maybe even listen a little.

A common courtesy that most sellers recognize is minimizing talk about self. We've been appropriately coached to put our ego aside and make the conversation about the buyer, not the seller. Good advice that should be heeded.

So when does it make sense to talk about ourselves? Ever? Yes, but only when it is relevant to the situation.

There are times when it is not only relevant but can add significant value to the conversation. One example is when you are a sales rep from "the industry". For example, you worked as a financial controller for years, and now you're selling financial services. Or you've run marketing organizations and now you're selling creative services. When you sit across the desk from a potential buyer it is absolutely appropriate to talk about your experience in that same role, particularly if you made similar buying decisions in that role. I have been with reps who have come from "the industry" and literally made the exact buying decision for a product that they are now selling. In that capacity they evaluated suppliers, demonstrated products, negotiated pricing and ultimately selected a vendor. That experience is absolutely relevant to the selling situation and is valuable for the buyer-to-be. That's when it is especially relevant to talk about self.

What about you? Have you been in selling situations and found that your personal experience was relevant to the buyer? How did you handle that?

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